Saturday, 29 March 2008

The Batteries are Charged

Well I have just arrived back from Berlin today and I have been swamped with e-mail enquiries. Appologies for the delay, I promise I will respond to you all by early tomorrow at the latest.

Berlin was a lovely city and a chance to recharge my batteries. One of my favourite pictures to the right outside the palace in Berlin.

Well I have a suitcase full of washing to do and camera batteries to charge so that's all from me for now.

Chris Wright

Friday, 14 March 2008

Is it time for a holiday?

As my diary is quiet untill May I shall be going on a break for two weeks. You can still leave an e-mail for me and I will get it on my return.


Tuesday, 11 March 2008

March Update

Not posted a blog entry for some time now so thought I should add an update. I have decided to change the prices of some of my packages and this has now been finalised. All previous enquiries on old prices will still be honoured.

The website will be changing shortly and the samples will also get an update. The samples are to have some more additions and some colour corrections to the coding. The site itself is having the price structure page completely redone. This is taking some time to do however the final effect should be better and offer more choice to customers.

Well that concludes my update for today.

Thanks for reading!Wedding Photographer Angus

Chris Wright Photography

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Online Orders

To all those who have placed online orders recently, the images are now in the process of being printed and should be with you very shortly. I believe I have contacted you all individually but incase I haven't please accept my appologies for any delays this may have caused.

Chris Wright